
Video Editing - Choosing Software


The best video editing solution available in the world today is the iLife '06 suite of applications from Apple available for about $80 retail or $60 for academic users. The iLife '06 suite is available for free on an iMac or MacBook Pro notebook.


There are several high quality alternatives for video editing today. Best results (broadcast quality projects) are obtained by using a miniDV camera and then transferring the digital video directly to a computer using a Firewire cable (also known as IEEE 1394).

Some video recording methods (such as mini DVD) may exhibit some loss of quality in the initial compression phase and then again when the video is converted from digital (MPG) to an analog output and then converted back to digital (DV) when importing to the computer.

There are two preeminent consumer-grade video editing software providers for the Windows platform. These are Pinnacle and Roxio. The Roxio product is called Easy Media Creator and sells for about $80 to $100. More information is available online here:

For Apple computer users, the available programs are typically more powerful and cost less money. A comparison of the three Apple video solutions can be found here:

The three products from Apple are: iMovie, Final Cut Express, and Final Cut Pro.

Final Cut Pro is included with a suite of video editing programs called Final Cut Studio and sells for about $1,300. However, professional quality video production can also be achieved using the iLife suite of media programs which includes iMovie, iDVD, iPhoto, iTunes, Garage Band, and iWeb.

Because iLife is free with a new Apple computer, or if purchased about $1,200 less than Final Cut Studio, most individuals, small businesses, and organizations choose to use iLife for video production. In addition to the saving of money, many people appreciate the ease of use that iLife offers the user - saving precious and valuable time. Since iMovie (and iLife) are so easy to use, a novice can produce a highly appealing broadcast-quality video without much effort. In fact, most people would produce a better looking video in less time using iMovie rather than Final Cut Pro.

The complexity of Final Cut Pro may result in the user doing something wrong, and thereby actually doing damage to their project or accidentally deleting something. Or, their project completion may be delayed because the simplest of editing tasks are not intuitive by examining the user interface. The built-in help feature is of little use to someone who hasn't learned the language of the professional video production industry.


A user who has the time and money to invest in Final Cut Studio may still want to consider using iMovie to quickly and easily create a visual media "storyboard" of their video project. This can then be used as a template for a more detailed project created with Final Cut Pro.


The keys to making a high quality video have little to do with the quality of your software or computer. There are many factors to consider before the video even leaves the camera:

* Lighting. Be sure to have very good lighting for your video. Watch for shadows on people's faces. If a PowerPoint presentation is to be given, the speaker probably won't be lit well enough. Consider having the speaker well-lit and standing away from the screen in another part of the room. It may be possible to insert slides from the PowerPoint into the video later.

* Sound. Be sure to use a very good quality microphone, watch for audio that is too quiet or too loud and distorted, watch out for any static or hum in the recording. Watch out for annoying background noises such as hums, fans, doors opening/closing, or people talking. Watch out for annoying acoustic conditions such as an echo or "small room" sound. If outdoors, watch out for strong wind that might causing noise when blowing on the microphone.

* Framing. Just as with still photography, be sure to properly "zoom in" on your subject and only include what is necessary for the video. Whenever possible, move the camera closer to your subject rather than zooming. This should result in a brighter and clearer video.

* Tripod. Use a tripod. A camera that is moving will result in video that is difficult to watch.

* Quality Control. Whenever possible, test the video recording as you go or do a trial run prior to taping.

* Regardless of what software you use, it is very difficult to correct for poor light and audio later.


Here are some helpful analogies to help you consider if you really need to use high-end $1,300 video editing software.

* A very successful golf professional can play an impressive game of golf even without having the most expensive set of golf clubs. This is because much of the success in golf stems from the player's experience and vision. Similarly, a creative video can be produced by someone using very simple tools.

* A beautifully knit quilt is beautiful because of the creativity that went into designing it. Having the best needles or thread are not the primary factor in the end result. Similarly, with a video, it is the content of a video, not the flashiness of it, that hopefully is what intrigues the viewer.

* If Picasso were given some simple brushes and paints, he could still have painted a work of art. It wasn't the quality of his materials, but the creativity in his mind that made him a success.

iCal backup

Early versions of the iCal calendar program from Apple placed calendar files separately (for each schedule) into the Library \ Calendars folder. So, backing up the calendar files was as easy as copying these to another location.

The current version of iCal (version 2.0.2) that comes with Tiger no longer uses this method. Instead there is a database that holds all calendars.

Individual calendars (schedules) can be imported or exported. However, to backup the entire database, it is necessary to choose "Backup Database..." from the File menu.

More information about iCal can be found here:


Digital Video to Analog Video Converter Box

If you are needing a Digital to Analog Video converter you may want to consider purchasing the ADVC-110 model from Canopus. The unit can be purchased for about $270 from the Apple online store (click here).


There are many reasons one might want a converter box to convert video from digital format to analog format:

* To transfer a VHS video tape (this is analog video) into your computer for editing (the computer works with digital video)

* To transfer video from a camcorder into a computer (assuming the camcorder doesn't have Firewire)

* To transfer from your computer to a VHS tape

Some video cameras have a "DV->AV Out" feature, meaning that it can serve as a digital video to analog video converter. These cameras can typically go both directions, being able to convert from analog to digital as well.

Because a digital converter box may cost $200 to $300 and a camera can be $600 to $800, some people simply purchase a camera that can serve both functions.

Dreamweaver, FTP error, space before filename on server

Sometimes Dreamweaver will not be able to read (get) files from the remote server. You can view the files, but not retrieve them. If you click on the remote file as if to edit the name, it will become apparent that the file name begins with a space. This is the cause of the problem. If files are listed out of alphabetical order on the remote server, it may be an indication that this problem exists. Interestingly, if you go to the server using any other program, you will realize that the files, indeed, do not really have a space in front of them. This is an anomaly with Dreamweaver.

For smaller websites, it is possible to fix the problem by using another FTP program to copy the problem files from the remote computer to the local computer (into your website folder), then delete the problem files from the remote computer (using the third party FTP program), and then publish them again using Dreamweaver.

The problem may be a result of using different versions of Dreamweaver on different computers (including going between Windows and Apple). More anecdotal stories about this problem are below. For more information about Dreamweaver, The Macromedia website is available here:


"Bogus space in folder name and file name. My remote view of files & folders is in error. This occurs in Dreamweaver MX 2004 and the 'Choose Image On Website' window in Contribute 2.0. About half of the files and half of the folders appear in the remote view with an initial space in the name. I can't see a pattern of why some names are correct and others are in error. The same names are in error each time I open the program. Names appear correctly when viewed directly on the unix server and when viewed through Windows Explorer and when browsed with a browser. The error only occurs in Dreamweaver & Contribute. The names that are OK will Open correctly. Names with a leading space return an error message on attempted Open: 'An FTP error occurred. Cannot get filename.html. Access Denied. The file name may not exist, or there could be a permission problem.' (There seems to be an extra space before the file name in the error message, too!) When trying to rename the file in the Dreamweaver remote files window, this error message is returned: ?An FTP error occurred 'cannot rename filename.html to filename.html. A file or folder with that name already exists.' I have uninstalled and reinstalled Dreamweaver and the Update. Problem persists." - posted by hiway41s at 2004-04-23, 5:33 pm on this page.

"I have upgraded to MX 2004 and installed the upgrade, and still have trouble with the display of files that haven't been touched in a year. In the remote view, some of the files show up with a space in front of the file name, and you can't check them out. Looking at them on the server, it's apparent that it's only the older files that haven't been touched in a while (due to the way the dates are displayed on the AIX box, the datestamp format is different). Has anyone else had this problem? I talked to support back in Jan/Feb, and
they said they were aware of the problem, but haven't heard anything since. Even tho I paid for this product, I am still using the old MX version because of this issue." - posted by shtymie at 05-25-2004, 11:19 AM on this page.

"Good question. I have the same problem, and Support doesn't seem to want to do anything about it." posted (in response to shtymie above) by zupermench at 05-26-2004, 09:52 AM on this page.


Website Creation and Blogging

There are many methods today to create a web presence. Below is a summary of available options. Some people choose to combine several or all of these. For example, the website http://www.resourcesforlife.com has an associated blog (this blog), two Yahoo Groups, an Apple .Mac account and website as well as a presence in other online venues.


1) Blog - free and simple

2) Group - free, simple, allows for newsletters, basically a collective/cooperative blog

3) Social Network Page - free but very restricted page design

4) Hosted Website With Online Design - $150 per year but more customizable, can be edited from anywhere

5) Hosted Website With Website Software - most customizable, most expensive, can't be edited from anywhere simply using any browser, $150 per year plus software costs

6) Apple iLife and .Mac Service - very elegant solution, requires a newer Apple computer to use, about $100 per year for hosting and $80 for software


Below is a more detailed description of each web solution with associated benefits and drawbacks (+/-). Sample sites are given.

1) Blog
An online blog is perhaps the easiest and least expensive way to create an instant website with the following benefits and drawbacks:
+ free
+ quick and easy to setup
+ multiple people can be designated to maintain the site and add content
+ can be maintained from anywhere using a Windows or Apple computer without special/expensive software or advanced knowledge
- typically, only minor changes to the basic design and color are possible for the beginning user
- html knowledge may be required to make extensive changes or customization to the page
+ lets you have a unique domain name such as:
+ For more information, visit:

2) Group
Although a group web page is generally considered to be a resource for a club or group of people to use, it works very well as a means for a single individual to create an online presence and keep in touch with many other people. A group page has the following benefits and drawbacks:
+ free
+ quick and easy to setup
+ multiple people can be designated to maintain the site and add content
+ serves as a single blog for a group of people all contributing to the same site
+ can be maintained from anywhere using a Windows or Apple computer without special/expensive software or advanced knowledge
- typically, only minor changes to the basic design and color are possible for the beginning user
- html knowledge may be required to make extensive changes or customization to the page
+ includes a mailing/distribution list feature
+ may include other features such as photos page, links page, calendar page, online databases, online surveys
+ lets you have a unique domain name such as:
- the address for your page is not as simple as the blog
+ for more information, visit:

3) Social Network Page
There are various websites dedicated to tracking social networks such as Facebook (primarily college students), LinkedIn (primarily business professionals), Friendster, and MySpace. These offer the following benefits and drawbacks:
+ the site facilitates social networking and meeting people
- you typically don't get a personalized website address, at best you might get something like this:
- people typically need to login to see your profile
- the content is not easily managed by multiple users
- the structure of the page is typically focused on contact information only
- sites such as Friendster and Myspace typically have a lot of advertising

4) Hosted Website With Online Design
Many website hosting companies now offer easy to use templates and online design tools for creating your own website with the following benefits and drawbacks:
+ much more storage space for larger files such as photos, audio, and video
+ you get a personalized address such as www.yourwebsite.com
+ typically includes e-mail service with personalized e-mail such as yourname@yourwebsite.com
+ quick and easy to setup
+ multiple people can be designated to maintain the site and add content
+ can be maintained from anywhere using a Windows or Apple computer without special/expensive software or advanced knowledge
- typically, only minor changes to the basic design and color are possible for the beginning user
- html knowledge may be required to make extensive changes or customization to the page
- Cost may be around $100 per year or more
+ For more information visit the following providers:

5) Hosted Website With Website Software
If you need a website with a specific design and layout, it may be necessary to purchase website design software such as Macromedia Dreamweaver which will offer the following benefits and drawbacks:
+ much more storage space for larger files such as photos, audio, and video
- website design software can be $100 to $400 depending on what you purchase
- a dedicated computer is generally necessary, meaning that you need to install the software on one computer and then always use that computer when editing the site, or purchase more copies of the software and install it on other computers that can be used by other people (be sure to clearly delegate and communicate about who is editing what part of the site)
+ you get a personalized address such as www.yourwebsite.com
+ typically includes e-mail service with personalized e-mail such as yourname@yourwebsite.com
- tedious and time consuming to setup
- training and classes may be required to learn the software
- requires that you have a computer with software loaded on it
- not as easy to update the site from anywhere
- not as easy or inexpensive to have multiple people maintain the site
+ a very customizable design and layout are possible
- html knowledge may be required to make extensive changes or customization to the page
- Cost may be around $100 per year or more for hosting and then another $100 to $400 to keep software up-to-date depending on what program is used
+ For more information visit the following providers:

6) Apple iLife and .Mac Service
The most elegant solution is offered by Apple through their iWeb software and a .Mac account. The website is created using the iWeb software included with the iLife '06 suite of programs: iPhoto, iTunes, iMovie, iDvd, Garage Band, and iWeb. The iWeb software helps the user develop a very personalized, professional, and artistic website including a wide variety of rich content. The Apple solution offers the following benefits and drawbacks:
+ much more storage space for larger files such as photos, audio, and video
+ expensive website software is not required
+ iWeb and iLife are easy to use
+ elegant and impressive websites are easy for even a beginner to create
- a dedicated computer is generally necessary, meaning that you need to install the software on one computer and then always use that computer when editing the site, or purchase more copies of the software and install it on other computers that can be used by other people (be sure to clearly delegate and communicate about who is editing what part of the site)
+ lets you have a unique domain name such as:
+ includes e-mail service
- requires that you have a computer with software loaded on it so it is not as easy to update the site from anywhere
+ a very customizable design and layout are possible
+ html knowledge is not required to make extensive changes or customization to the page
+ Cost is $100 per year for hosting and then about $80
+ setting up a calendar, blog, video, audio, photos, and other pages are easily done
+ For more information visit Apple here:

Note that Network Solutions can arrange to redirect a domain name to a specific destination. So, you could purchase (register) a domain name such as www.yourwebsite.com and then configure that domain name so visitors are redirected to your blog or .Mac account. This can cost as little as about $30 or $40 a year and it makes it easy for people to remember your website address.

Product Review: Epson Stylus CX7800, Printer, Scanner, Copier

At about $180 retail, the Epson Stylus CX7800 is a good low-end choice for those needing a high quality, high speed scanning solution with printing and other features.

When compared to similar products from HP or Canon, or higher end Epson offerings, the Epson Stylus CX7800 offers the following benefits and drawbacks (+/-):
+ very fast scanning with no "lamp warmup" time even from power standby mode
- scanning size is limited to just over 8.5 by 11 inches, other scanners offer legal size scanning capability
+ ink is in separate replaceable cartridges independent of the print head (like HP), this makes it possible to monitor and replace separate colors
+ the ink is DuraBrite Ultra technology that resists smearing when wet
- this model has only three colors rather than four that might give more realistic skin tones
- printing speed in high quality mode is a little slower than higher end models and certainly not as quick as laser or solid ink printers
+ desktop space requirements are relatively small at about 19 inches by 17 inches
- Canon and Epson printers seem to require more print head cleaning than HP since on the HP printers the heads are replaced when a new ink cartridge is installed
+ scanner can accommodate slides and negatives at a higher scanning resolution than normal scanning
+ envelope printing seems to be quite reliable, some HP inkjet printers are easily jammed when envelopes are fed through
+ the scanner is Windows and Apple compatible, and the EPSON Scan software that comes with the scanner is quite good, even when running on Apple OS 10.4.4 Tiger
+ the scanner includes a memory card reader for various card types
+ includes a view window where you can see photos so the printer does not need to be connected to a computer for printing from a memory stick
- pages feed from the back and must stack upright, this may lead to curling of the top of the pages unlike printers that have a paper tray
+ because the paper and media are direct feed, it is less likely that jamming will be an issue
+ prints full bleed (edge to edge) photos
+ the software has a "Descreening Filter" feature that corrects for newspaper and other print images that are created with many dots on the page rather than solid smooth ink

This link may work to display the multifunction printers available on the Epson website:

Windows XP, USB device can perform faster

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